Zero-variate data
Zero-variate data is a scalar (so a single number) that quantifies a feature of the organism at a given moment.
Auxiliary data might be associated to any data, so also to zero-variate data.
Although a single data-point has little information for parameter estimation in itself, a set of different data-points can be very useful,
certainly in combination with uni- and bi-variate data sets.
A prediction for a zero-variate data set is typically a function of parameter values, which should be seen as removing one degree of freedom in the parameter estimation.
So with 10 parameters, 10 (independent) zero-variate data sets theoretically determine all 10 parameters.
Codification of types zero-variate data
In the mydata file the author needs to specify which types of data are used in the entry. Labels for zero-variate data are packed as metaData.data_0 in the mydata-file. The codification generally follows DEB's notation rules. The leading character indicates the type of variable, followed by a marker for the life history event.Indices symbolising different life history events
0 | start of development | j | end of acceleration | R | first breeding |
h | hatching (leaving egg) | p | puberty (start of allocation to reproduction) | e | emergence (imago) |
b | birth (start of feeding) | i | ultimate state | s | start of acceleration |
x | weaning (or fledging) | m | death (life span) |
f | functional response | T | temperature | t | time |
L | length | W | weight |
The labels are stylized, meaning e.g. that label ap stands for age-at-puberty, while actually time since birth at puberty, tp, might be used as a data-point. The rationale is that delays in the start of development can occur, which would affect ap, but not tp. Data might relate to males and females; this is not indicated in the data labels, but comments in such entries specify the parameters in which they differ.
Data labels | Description |
ah | age at h |
ah_T | age at h (several T)) |
ab | age at birth |
ab_T | age at birth (several T) |
ab_f | age at birth (several f) |
tg | gestation time |
ax | age at x |
as | age at s |
aj | age at j |
aj_T | age at j (several T) |
ap | age (or time since birth) at p |
ap_T | age at p (several T) |
ap_f | age at p (several f) |
aR | age at R |
ae | age at e |
astar | instar duration |
am | age at death (life span) |
am_f | age at death (several f) |
am_T | age at death (several T) |
L0 | length at 0 |
Lh | length at h |
Lb | length at b |
Lb_f | length at b (several f) |
Lx | length at x |
Ls | length at s |
Lj | length at j |
Lp | length at p |
Lp_f | length at p (several f) |
LR | length at R |
Lstar | length at instar |
Li | length at i |
Li_f | length at i (several f) |
L_t | length at time t |
L_W | length at time weight |
dLb | change in length at b |
dLp | change in length at p |
dLj | change in length at j |
Ab | surface area at b |
Ap | surface area at p |
Ai | surface area at i |
V0 | volume at 0 |
Vb | volume at b |
Vb_f | volume at b (several f) |
Vp | volume at p |
Vp_f | volume at p (several f) |
Vi | volume at i |
Vi_f | volume at i (several f) |
Ww0 | wet weight at 0 |
Wwh | wet weight at h |
Wwb | wet weight at b |
Wwb_f | wet weight at b (several f) |
Wwx | wet weight at x |
Wws | wet weight at s |
Wwj | wet weight at j |
WwR | wet weight at R |
Wwp | wet weight at p |
Wwe | wet weight at e |
Wwi | wet weight at i |
Ww_L | wet weight at lenght |
Ww_t | wet weight at time |
dWw_W | change in wet weight at W |
Wd0 | dry weight at 0 |
Wdh | dry weight at h |
Wdb | dry weight at b |
Wdb_f | dry weight at b (several f) |
Wdx | dry weight at x |
Wds | dry weight at s |
Wdj | dry weight at j |
Wdp | dry weight at p |
Wde | dry weight at e |
Wdi | dry weight at i |
Wd_t | dry weight at t |
Wd_L | dry weight at length |
WdR_L | gonad dry weight at L |
WdR_Wd | gonad dry weight at Wd |
WC0 | carbon weight at 0 |
WN0 | nitrogen weight at 0 |
dWdb | change in dry weight at b |
dWd | decrease in dry weight during starvation |
E_L | total energy at L |
E0 | reserve energy at 0 |
Eh | reserve energy at h |
Eb | reserve energy at b |
Ej | reserve energy at j |
EbE0 | ratio of reserve energy at b and 0 |
EXx | cumulated food energy at x |
r | specific growth rate |
rB | von Bertalanffy growth rate |
rB_T | von Bertalanffy growth rate (several T) |
Ri | reproduction rate at i |
Ri_f | reproduction rate at i (several f) |
R_L | reproduction rate at length |
R_W | reproduction rate at weight |
GSI | gonado-somatic index |
Ni | (total) number of offspring at i |
Ni_f | (total) number of offspring at i (several f) |
Fm | maximum clearance (filtering) rate |
K | half saturation coefficient |
pXi | maximum ingestion rate (energy) |
pXi_Wd | maximum ingestion rate at Wd (energy) |
pX_t | food energy ingestion rate at t |
pAi | maximum assimilation rate (energy) |
pL | lactation flux (energy) |
kapX | digestion efficiency |
RQ | respiration quotient: JC/JO |
JXi | food consumption at i |
JX_L | food consumption at L |
JX_W | food consumption at W |
JLi | milk production at i |
JOb | O2 consumption at b |
JOi | O2 consumption at i |
JO_W | O2 consumption at W |
JCi | CO2 production at i |
ss | supply stress |
xi_WE | energy density of dry mass excluding the reproduction buffer |