Calendar for DEB milestones

year milestones
2024 "complete" taxa in AmP: branchiopods;
distribution of parameter estimators
2023 creation of GitHub repository SI with supporting information for a number of papers, e.g. to illustrate the use of AmPtool;
creation of simu_my_pet within AmPtool, which shows trajectories of key variables in a variable environment
over 4000 AmP entries; frequent revisions of entries/taxonomy
Revision of a large number of entries
2022 replacement of DEBwiki on IST-server by GitHub repository DEBportal;
bi-variate and tri-variate data types in AmP with multiple visualisation options;
creation of GitHub repository AmPtox with various examples of AmP supported tox applications;
hax-model as typified model for some insects;
compaction of AmPdata to speed-up AmP performance and improved graphics presentation and browsing;
pages taxa, links and ecoCodes in the "COLLECTION" dropdown with hide-column and search-species option;
2021 over 3200 AmP entries; frequent revisions of entries/taxonomy; get_id functions for 14 websites and update of all links
"complete" taxa in AmP: cephalopods, turtles/crocodiles, carnivores/pangolins;
over 1000 DEB library papers on Zotero (1.5 per wk);
more DEB videos on many topics with search options;
distance between species based on traits, linking to multi dimensional scaling; galleryAmP with links to species_tree;
hosting of AmP at IUEM (Brest) (VU, Amsterdam continues), with automatized syncing;
evolutionary algorithms as alternative for the simplex method for parameter estimation by Juan Robles;
DEB Shiny App and DEBsea Shiny App in R by Mike Kearney;
life-time cumulated neonate mass equals mass of female at death;
2020 "complete" taxa in AmP: N-Am freshwater fish, rays/sharks;
allEco integrated in allStat, ecoCodes & links in mydata; shstat with eco-codes;
allStat and popStat in AmPdata on VU-server with version date;
AmP entry prepare system with documentation; import info via structures;
further improved presentation/ documentation/ archiving/ searching:
e.g. report_my_pet, 6 results_output levels, get_links, select entries for char-strings;
augmented loss functions for multi-species further developed;
elasticities for bijection data- to parameter-space;
pop growth at constant T, f; All entries have a population-traits page;
macro-chemical reaction equation coefficients at population level;
AmP code for CPM, EBT (Escalator Boxcar train), IBM (Ind-Based pop. Modelling in NetLogo);
2019 1806 AmP entries; more cases with f(t), T(t): integration of estimation and environmental trajectory reconstruction;
"complete" taxa in AmP: petrels/penguins;
790 DEB library papers on Zotero;
better knowledge of pars and patterns: better context for par-evaluation (151 entries in archive);
revisions of some basic functions: temperature correction for >1 parameters, maturity for large l_p;
updates on evolutionary tree (detailed trees change more frequently);
use of clade to identify AmP entries that are most related to one that is not in the collection (Taxonomicon, CoL);
improved presentation/documentation/archiving/searching: bib's, citation, manual (DEBwiki, AmPtool);
prt_results_my_pet for iteration results; prt_report_my_pet with searching, comparing species, color coding excentricity;
application pages on AmP website: work in progress;
2018 Searching in species_tree, links from entries to list & tree;
self-made tree with distribution of statistics; pedigree with statistics;
improved algorithms; confidence intervals based on loss-function profiles;
multi-species parameter estimation, augmented loss functions;
"complete" taxa in AmP: carnivores;
2017 700 AmP entries;
changes in the curator team; curation reports/procedure: modular setup;
allStat & allEco on GitHub: eco-coding + selection/visualization functions;
links to large websites/data-bases;
general: Catalog of Life, Taxonomicon, EoL, ADW, Wiki, WoRMS;
specialized: molluscabase, fishbase, amphibiaweb, reptile-database, avibase, msw3, AnAge;
structure allStat.mat with data for all AmP species;
2016 Start of DEBlib on Zotero;
setup of portal, DEBwiki;
2015 318 AmP entries, conversion from Excel-based old to web-based new system with code AmPtool and DEBtool on GitHub;
set-up of BibTex-style reference list for each entry;
use of Overleaf & Dropbox for organisation in the curator team; creation of;
setup of standard in code-documentation and checking-procedures for new entries;
Perl-based lists-of-lists for taxonomic structure of entries;
creation of DEB mailing list;
2014 NECs depend on specific somatic maintenance with Jan Baas;
typical reproduction is much less than max with Dina Lika;
formation of curator team with weekly Skype's and yearly workshops;
set-up par-estimation procedure for multiple entries; use of .mat-files for continuation
styling of DEB models, data, parameters;
2013 Waste-to-hurry;
DEBtool_Octave support is ceased;
2012 Bijection between data- and parameter space;
quantification of supply-demand spectra;
2011 Type R-acceleration of maturation with Starrlight Augustine;
interactions between photo-synthesis, -respiration & -inhibition;
start of practical schools prior to DEB symposia with special issues;
2010 Topology of allocation schemes with Dina Lika;
start of comment-document on DEB3;
embryo staging with Starrlight Augustine;
2009 Reserve dynamics as consequence of weak homeostasis, partitionablility of reserve dynamics;
evolution of central metabolism;
start of AQUAdeb group on initiative of Marianne Alunno-Bruscia with regular meetings;
first DEB symposium (Brest) with special issue; AmP entries as course exercise;
2008 Start writing of DEB3; setting-up of add_my_pet;
mergeability of reserve dynamics with Tània Sousa;
2007 Type M-acceleration of metabolism with Laure Pecquerie;
toxicity of mixtures of many compounds with Jan Baas and Tjalling Jager;
2006 Isotope dynamics at individual level;
2005 Stochastic mass-conserved formulations for DEB structured popopulations with Johan Grasman & Bob Kooi;
entropy of living individuals with Tània Sousa;
application of Adaptive Dynamics to DEB structured populations with Tineke Troost & Bob Kooi;
2004 Handshaking protocols for Synthesizing Units;
mitochondria-cytosol interactions with Lee Segel;
2003 Generalisations of the κ-rule;
tumour growth, consistency with Mayneord 1932;
co-metabolism in microbial degradation, with Bernd Brandt;
2002 Ageing acceleration; hazard model for lethal effects of toxicants;
Gompertz stress coefficient with Ingeborg van Leeuwen;
2001 First tele course, to be repeated each 2 years;
stepwise merging of symbiontic partners into a new individual;
2000 Conversion of private APL code to public DEBtool in Matlab/Octave;
modules for mixotrophy;
co-metabolism & inhibition with SUs;
1999 Toxicity of mixtures of compounds;
reconstruction of film models: explicit pde and boundary conditions
co-var rules for parameters one-compartment and film models and for effects of toxicants;
1998 Start writing of DEB2;
symbiosis on the basis of mutual syntrophy;
effect of ionization and lipid content on toxico-kinetics;
diverse uptake and elimination routes for toxicants;
interaction of toxico-kinetics with metabolism;
1997 Excretion of reserves for multiple reserves;
Canonical communities;
1996 Synthesising Units (SUs) as alternative for enzyme kinetics;
writing of analysis of toxicity data with Jacques Bedaux;
presentation of this book in OECD workshop (Braunschweig);
1994 Multiple substrates, reserves & structures: plants model;
1993 First local DEB course based on DEB1;
dynamic generalizations of the κ-rule;
1992 Static generalisations of the κ-rule;
1991 Multiple reserve & partition. of reserve kinetics;
1990 Start writing of DEB1;
type T-acceleration of metabolism; consistency with Nelder 1961 for bird growth;
1989 Ageing as accumulation of damage in 2 steps;
Weibull ageing rate; consistency with Gompertz 1825, Weibull 1951;
microbial food chains with Bob Kooi; re-interpretation of Drent 1976 data;
1988 Reconstruction of food uptake from growth;
1987 Mass as conserved quantity in combination with energy;
respiration as in indirect calorimetry; consistency with Lavoisier 1780;
step from macro- to micro-chemical reaction equations;
renovation of DEB notation;
1986 The name DEB was chosen on instigation by Joos Joosse;
microbial product formation & fermentation: consistency with Leudeking-Piret 1958;
1985 Shape correction function; changes in shape;
bacteria as static mixtures between V0- and V1-morphs, consistency with Marr-Pirt 1962;
1984 Maturity maintenance as energy sink with Horst Thieme;
1983 Physical co-variation rules of DEB parameters; consistency with Kleiber 1932;
bacterial populations as juveniles;
foetal development, consistency with Huggett-Widdas 1951;
1982 Embryos are juveniles that don't eat;
consistency with Rahn & Ar 1974 for respiration in bird embryos and Smith 1957 in fish embryos;
costs of eggs & maternal effects;
maturity as state variable;
1981 Reserve dynamics reconstructed from cell quota of Droop 1973;
effects of toxicants at population level;
setup of DEB notation;
1980 Sublethal effects of toxicants as changes in parameter-values;
parameter values linear in internal concentrations;
1979 Start of DEB work with Holling 1959, Pütter 1920, Arrhenius 1889 & κ-rule;
start of work on physiologically structured pop. dynamics with Hans Metz & Odo Diekmann;
1978 No Effect Concentration (NEC) as tox parameter;
1977 Effects of toxicants on survival depend in internal concentration;
one compartment model as basic transport model (first TKTD model) ;
LC50 as function of exposure time;